358 results have been found
Sequence optimization - Position of customer stops
How to create a request | Sequence Optimization API Documentation | PTV Developer POST Depot location Change the geographical location of the single depot location: Latitude Longitude ID Request Body Send Request Visualize Result The Send Request button …
Service Times
All transports have a service time for the pickup and the delivery task. Each task is different: Large or heavy items may require a longer time to load and unload. Transports that require extensive load securing will also take longer to execute. Also, the …
How to use PTV Developer in Microsoft Excel
In this tutorial you will learn how to use PTV Developer APIs in Microsoft Excel. Only Excel functions will be used. Download example … Preconditions A PTV Developer account and API Key Windows OS Microsoft Excel 2013, 2016, 2019, 2021 or Excel for …
Pickups and Deliveries
In this tutorial you will learn how our advanced Route Optimization App is implemented. The app optimizes specified transports (pickups and deliveries) and displays the optimal routes for each vehicle. To focus solely on the core principles, we have …
Avoid | Routing API Documentation | PTV Developer GET Latitude A Longitude A Latitude B Longitude B Avoid features TOLL FERRIES RAIL_SHUTTLES HIGHWAYS Results TOLL_COSTS COMBINED_TRANSPORT_EVENTS Example presets Toll example Ferry example Rail Shuttle …
Sequence optimization - Transport priorities
How to create a request | Sequence Optimization API Documentation | PTV Developer POST Time window Choose a time window for the availability of the driver and all transports: From 08:00 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 …
Vehicle Parameters at Waypoint
Vehicle Parameters at Waypoint | Routing API Documentation | PTV Developer POST Waypoint A Latitude A Longitude A Hazardous to Water Waypoint B Latitude B Longitude B Hazardous to Water Waypoint C Latitude C Longitude C Hazardous to Water Request Body …
Data API Reference
{ "openapi": "3.0.1", "info": { "title": "Data", "version": "1.16", "description": "With the Data service you can obtain additional data such as vehicle profiles.", "contact": { "url": "https://developer.myptv.com/" } }, "tags": [ { "name": "Map …
Predefined Profiles
GET Send Request Response Waiting for response... Request Sample C# JavaScript Python Java PowerShell // C# // JavaScript // Python // Java // PowerShell … This code sample describes how to request the predefined …
The Raster Maps service provides a various number of different map styles. To match different use cases the Styles differ in color scheme, label and detail density: amber blackmarble classic gravelpit sandbox silica …
Drivers' Working Hours - Create a Sequence
Drivers' working hours | Sequence Optimization API Documentation | PTV Developer POST Working hours preset (Mind that if the break fields are also specified, the most restrictive value will apply.) Working hours preset: No Value No Value …
Cancel Bin Packing
DELETE Bin Packing ID Send Request Response Waiting for request to be completed... Request Sample C# JavaScript Python Java PowerShell // C# // JavaScript // Python // Java // PowerShell … Cancels the bin packing optimization. To get a valid bin packing …
Get Packed Bins
GET Bin Packing ID Send Request Response Waiting for request to be completed... Request Sample C# JavaScript Python Java PowerShell // C# // JavaScript // Python // Java // PowerShell … Get the optimized packed items and bins. To get a valid bin packing …
Get Status
GET Bin Packing ID Send Request Response Waiting for request to be completed... Request Sample C# JavaScript Python Java PowerShell // C# // JavaScript // Python // Java // PowerShell … Get operation status of optimization run. To get a valid bin …
Start a Bin Packing
POST Focus BUILD_LAYERS BUILD_LAYERS REDUCE_LOADING_METERS Number of bins (40 Ft. container) List of items Request Body Send Request Add New Item Response The result is an ID that can be used for further requests. Waiting for response... Request Sample …
Optimizing with Stacking Restrictions
POST Stacking restrictions between the items No stacking restrictions No stacking restrictions No item can be stacked Stackable only if same id Stackable except if same id BoxType 1 can not be stacked Only BoxType 3 can be stacked on itself Request Body …
Optimizing with Unloading Sequence
POST Choose an unloading sequence No unloading sequence No unloading sequence BoxType 1, then 2, finally 3 BoxType 3, then 2, finally 1 BoxType 1, then 3, finally 2 3 of (1,3,2) and 3 of (1,2,3) 3 of (1,3,2) and 3 of (1,2,3) with stackOnTopOfNextStops …
Optimizing with Orientation
POST Allowed orientations ORIGINAL X Y Z XZ YZ Request Body Send Request Response Waiting for response... Request Sample C# JavaScript Python Java PowerShell // C# // JavaScript // Python // Java // PowerShell … This code sample describes how the engine …
Optimizing with Stackability
POST Stackability of the items All stackable All stackable All non-stackable Request Body Send Request Response Waiting for response... Request Sample C# JavaScript Python Java PowerShell // C# // JavaScript // Python // Java // PowerShell … This code …
Optimizing with Focus
POST Focus No value No Value BUILD_LAYERS REDUCE_LOADING_METERS Request Body Send Request Response Waiting for response... Request Sample C# JavaScript Python Java PowerShell // C# // JavaScript // Python // Java // PowerShell … This code sample …
Delete the Sequence
Delete the sequence | Sequence Optimization API Documentation | PTV Developer DELETE Route ID Insert the generated unique route ID here: Send Request The Send Request button submits a deletion. If the deletion is successful, the status code 204 (no …
Get Result of the Sequence
Get result | Sequence Optimization API Documentation | PTV Developer GET Route ID Insert the generated unique route ID here: Send Request The Send Request button fetches the route. If the optimization was successful, the response contains an updated …
Sequence Optimization - Create and Optimize a Sequence
How to create a request | Sequence Optimization API Documentation | PTV Developer POST Time window Choose a time window for the availability of the driver and all transports: From 08:00 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 …
How to Create a Sequence
The code sample explains how to create a sequence optimization request to find the best route for your transports. The first step to schedule a route is to start the optimization, the second step is to retrieve the optimized route: Create and optimize a …
Delete a Plan
Delete a plan | Route Optimization API Documentation | PTV Developer DELETE Plan ID Insert the generated unique plan ID here: Send Request The Send Request button submits a deletion. If the deletion is successful, the status code 204 (no content) is …