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API Changes

This list shows all changes of the API between releases like new features, significant improvements and bug fixes. We recommend that API developers periodically check it for updates.

Version 1.12.31

  • Bugfix: Superfluous nullable tags for simple parameters that are optional are now removed from the API definition..

Version 1.12.14

  • Improvement: The endpoints /locations/by-address, /locations/by-text and /locations/by-position now return results in the latinized version of the default language if the language parameter is set to x-ptv-Latn-DFT.

Version 1.12.13

  • Bugfix: The endpoints /suggestions/by-text and /suggestions/by-address now provide the components of their results in a single language [PREVIEW].

Version 1.12.10

  • Improvement: The endpoint /suggestions/by-text now finds long postal codes when written without a separator [PREVIEW].
  • Bugfix: The endpoint /suggestions/by-address now finds countries with umlauts in the name.

Version 1.12.6

  • Improvement: The endpoint /suggestions/by-text now sorts better matching results higher than those with a shorter distance to the center point [PREVIEW].

Version 1.12.5

  • Improvement: The endpoint /suggestions/by-text now returns suggestions for long postal codes [PREVIEW].

Version 1.12.4

  • Improvement: The endpoint /locations/by-address now returns additional addresses without street and house number if the latter could not be found for the given locality.
  • Bugfix: The endpoint /suggestions/by-text no longer returns duplicated city names [PREVIEW].
  • Bugfix: The endpoint /suggestions/by-text no longer returns empty results when there are matching records in the data [PREVIEW].

Version 1.12.0

  • Improvement: The endpoint /locations/by-address returns a house number without the extension if a house number with an extension is given but the extension is not found in the data.
  • Feature: Resulting locations now include country codes with subdivision (according to ISO 3166-2).

Version 1.11.0

  • Feature: The endpoint /suggestions/by-text now supports sorting the results by the distance from a center point [PREVIEW].

Version 1.10.0

  • Bugfix: The /suggestions/by-address endpoint no longer suggests empty postal code for the postal code field.
  • Feature: Resulting locations now include country codes (according to ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 and ISO 3166-1 alpha-3).
  • Feature: The endpoint /suggestions/by-text now supports filtering of results by country [PREVIEW].

Version 1.9.0

  • Feature: Added suggestion functionality for /locations/by-text via the new /suggestions/by-text endpoint [PREVIEW].

Version 1.8.0

  • Improvement: The endpoint /places/by-text delivers results ordered by distance to the center when places are searched with a circular search context. This includes, that the distance is added to the search result quality. In addition, a radius can be specified for a circular search context. A secondary search phase for the whole world is no longer executed.

Version 1.7.4

  • Bugfix: The endpoint /places/place-categories returns now all categories which can be found by the places endpoints.

Version 1.7.1

  • Improvement: The endpoint /places/by-position finds now places from all categories.

Version 1.7.0

  • Feature: Added address field scores to search result quality on /locations/by-address and /locations/by-text endpoints.

Version 1.6.0

  • Feature: Added suggestion functionality for /locations/by-address via the new /suggestions/by-address endpoint.

Version 1.5.6

  • Improvement: On endpoint /locations/by-address, ignore words beyond the input word limit rather than rejecting the request.

Version 1.5.0

  • Feature: Finding places like shops or points of interest by name.

Version 1.4.8

  • Feature: Finding places in an area now supports a request parameter to specify the preferred language for the response.

Version 1.4.7

  • Bugfix: After a timeout, searches abort faster.

Version 1.4.0

  • Feature: Finding places like shops or points of interest in an area specified by a polyline.

Version 1.3.3


Version 1.3.1

  • Improvement: Missing postal code map data does affect the total score less.

Version 1.3.0

  • Improvement: Added support for additional iana language tags.
  • Improvement: If the results are ambiguous because only few input words are given (city, postal code), then we now return a longer list than before.
  • Bugfix: Former implicit enum type Location.LocationTypeEnum is now explicitly specified as LocationType.

Version 1.2.10

  • Bugfix: Fixed HTTP 500 on certain /places/by-position requests.

Version 1.2.9

  • Improvement: If the input is too long, /locations/by-text now returns a warning and the result list is empty.

Version 1.2.8

  • Feature: Improved FormattedAddress by choosing the format based on the country.

Version 1.2.0

  • Feature: Location type extended by new types 'POINT_OF_INTEREST' and 'INTERSECTION'.

Version 1.1.0

  • Feature: Finding locations based on an address: Filtering supports also country subdivisions.

Version 1.0.0

  • Feature: Finding locations based on an address specified as a single-field text input.
  • Feature: Finding locations based on an address specified as separate input fields.
  • Feature: Finding locations near a specified geographical position.
  • Feature: Finding places like shops or points of interest near a specified geographical position.
  • Feature: Returning the list of available place categories.