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Guide - Vector Maps API


The PTV Developer Vector Maps API allows you to render geographical vector tiles with easily integrable open-source frameworks. 

Map rendering is a prerequisite for all geographical and logistical functions and crucial for tasks such as vehicle routing and optimization. PTV has lots of experience in the field of digital maps and works closely with leading data and maps providers. We offer highest data quality and level of detail, a large amount of extended content and functionalities, and many options for customization and individual tailoring of map look and feel.

With the PTV Developer Vector Maps API, you can tailor the map design & behavior to your needs: For example, adapt colors of any map element like streets, backgrounds, or buildings; change the rendered size of objects; change zoom-level dependent behavior (i.e. define at what zoom-level objects are displayed). In addition, the Vector Maps API can easily be combined with any Raster Maps layer like traffic incidents, traffic patterns, vehicle restrictions & toll.  

The PTV Developer Vector Maps API offers:

  • Mapbox Vector Tiles: Mapbox tiles based on open standard specifications. Display the map needed for your requirements. Create your own map style using a visual editor.  
  • Map Layer Themes: Configure the map display based on your requirements and style. Choose between pre-defined layers or add premium content and data, such as truck-specific driving restrictions, and real-time or forecasted traffic events.