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OSM Profiles

The properties of a vehicle are stored in a profile, matching typical transport situations. It describes the physical and legal properties, such as height and weight, which are used to calculate a route. 

OSM predefined profiles

OSM predefined profiles are typical vehicle types offered by PTV as a simple entry for all OSM routing-related services. You can just use them by referencing the defined name. Please note that the standard PTV predefined profiles are not supported by the OSM APIs, and vice versa.
All predefined OSM profiles can be used in all regions of the world, nonetheless the predefined profiles also represent characteristics of different regions. Therefore we recommend to use a profile which matches the region of the locations in the request in order to get the best result.

European Profiles

Profiles recommended for the Europe

  • Typical passenger car recommended for the use in Europe
  • Default profile
  • Typical 40t semi-trailer truck (Euro-tractor) with 5 axles consisting of tractor with 2 or 3 axles but no loading area and semi-trailer with 2 or 3 axles


IMEA Profiles

Profiles recommended for IMEA (India, Middle East, Africa) region

  • Typical passenger car recommended for the use in the IMEA region


World Profiles

Generic profiles which are not optimized for special regions

  • Non-motorized bicycle modeled as a courier or performing service.
  • Single Track Bicycle - A bicycle having 2 wheels.
  • Maximum speed = 20km/h
  • Electric cargo bicycle performing service.
  • Multi Track Bicycle - A bicycle having 3 or more wheels.
  • Maximum speed = 23km/h