This list shows all changes of the API between releases like new features, significant improvements and bug fixes. We recommend that API developers periodically check it for updates.
Version 1.5
- Feature: Increased the number of different vehicle routing profiles that may be used in a single optimization to two.
- Feature: An error with error code ROUTEOPTIMIZATION_NUMBER_OF_OPTIMIZATIONS_EXCEEDED will now list all currently running optimization ids.
Version 1.4.2
- Feature: Increased the number of time slots on stop properties and time slot ids on depots and task properties to 50.
Version 1.4.1
- Feature: Added the vehicle profiles EUR_CAR, EUR_TRUCK_7_49T, EUR_TRUCK_11_99T and EUR_TRAILER_TRUCK
Version 1.4
- Feature: Stop concurrency can be specified under stop properties.
- Feature: Increased the number of depots and the number of depot vehicle combination constraints that can be set to 50.
- Bugfix: Proper error is returned when a pickup order and a delivery order share the same id.
- Bugfix: Proper error is returned when two vehicles share the same id.
Version 1.3
- Feature: Cost per appointment can be specified for a time slot.
- Feature: Violation cost can be specified for an order vehicle combination constraint.
Version 1.2.2
- Feature: Increased the number of depots and the number of depot vehicle combination constraints that can be set to 30.
- Feature: API is more responsive for requests containing one vehicle and up to 500 orders. Additionally, the duration of these requests is capped at 2 minutes.
- Bugfix: Proper error is returned when input floating numbers are checked against their minimum values specified in API reference.
- Bugfix: Corrected description of field maximumLoads of vehicles.
Version 1.2.1
- Bugfix: Correct error is returned when category pattern is violated.
Version 1.2.0
- Feature: Task groups can be specified under constraints.
Version 1.1.4
- Improvement: API is more responsive for use cases involving sequencing for one vehicle.
Version 1.1.3
- Improvement: Endpoint getOptimizationResult is more responsive.
Version 1.1.1
- Feature: Fractional load values can be used for orders and vehicles.
- Feature: Increased the number of categories that can be set for depot, vehicle, etc. to 50.
Version 1.1.0
- Feature: Made specifying a time slot easier, for example, by introducing latest end and maximum number of appointments in it.
- Feature: Increased the limit on number of input locations from 4000 to 50000. Please check your individual price plan or contract to see which limit applies.
- Feature: Doubled the number of time slots that can be specified for a depot and any order respectively.
- Feature: Doubled the number of depots that can be specified.
- Feature: Doubled the number of constraints that can be specified for combinations of depots and vehicles.
Version 1.0.15
- Bugfix: Trace Id is set in error response.
Version 1.0.14
- Improvement: Increased limits for fields vehicles and timeSlots.
Version 1.0.13
- Improvement: Cleanup of error and warning messages.
Version 1.0.10
- Improvement: The API is not experimental anymore. It has entered a stable state.
- Bugfix: Zero seconds are reported for fields of type string with format date-time in response when fetching optimization result.
- Improvement: Customers with a personal contract plan can send compressed payloads when initiating an optimization.
- Improvement: Incoming data is validated more efficiently.
Version 1.0.0
- Feature: Methods to start the optimization process and retrieve the optimized result.
- Feature: Preparation duration and multiple time slots for customer, depot and vehicle locations.
- Feature: Orders with either a depot-pickup or a depot-delivery, including the duration to execute the corresponding tasks.
- Feature: Orders with pickup and delivery, including the duration to execute the corresponding tasks.
- Feature: Orders with outsourcing costs, loads and categories.
- Feature: Vehicles with capacity constraints, costs, start location and end location.
- Feature: Vehicle profiles for van and truck (40 tons) in EU.