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Relevant Terms

The following terms are important to understand the whole use case.


AppointmentA sequence of tasks, scheduled to be executed respecting a specific time slot.
BreakA scheduled pause in a driver's or vehicle's operation, typically for rest, refueling, or maintenance.
CategoryA property that enables applying constraints to entities categorized as such.
CompactnessRefers to how closely stops are grouped on a route to minimize overall distance.
CompartmentA designated section of a vehicle that is used to organize, secure, and transport different types of cargo.
ConstraintServes to restrict or guide the optimization to meet specified requirements or limitations.
DepotA warehouse where orders to pick up (resp. deliver) can be delivered to (resp. picked up from).
LoadDimensions such as weight, volume or pallets of an order or a vehicle.
LocationA geographical location with additional properties such as time slots.
OrderA request to transport goods.
Outsourcing costThe additional expense in the event that the optimization does not incorporate an order into a route.
OvertimeThe additional time worked beyond the regular working hours, often compensated at a higher rate.
PreferenceA prioritized need or requirement in the optimization process, allowing certain factors to be favored, even at the cost of higher expenses.
RouteA sequence of scheduled tasks, assigned to a vehicle.
Routing profileInformation necessary to calculate driving durations and distances.
RuleServes to conditionally modify properties of entities based on their relation to other entities.
StopA scheduled location visit to pick up or deliver goods.
Stop concurrencyRefers to the ability to handle multiple stops at the same time
TaskEither the pickup or delivery action of an order.
Time slotA restriction when tasks are allowed to be executed at a certain location.
Traffic modeA description of the traffic situation considered when calculating driving durations.
VehicleA vehicle to transport goods containing vehicle-specific and driver attributes.
Vehicle slotA designated space at a location for a vehicle to park or unload, with concurrent stops requiring separate slots.