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API Changes

This list shows all changes of the API between releases like new features, significant improvements and bug fixes. We recommend that API developers periodically check it for updates.

Version 1.11.10

  • Bugfix: Fixed bug which occurred when using customer ids and routes together.
  • Bugfix: The stop service time is now validated correctly against the break and daily rest rules of the driver.

Version 1.11.8

  • Feature: Added vehicle profiles 'EUR_TLN_VAN', 'EUR_TLN_TRUCK_11_99T', 'EUR_TLN_TRUCK_20T', 'EUR_TLN_TRUCK_40T'.

Version 1.11.7

  • Feature: Added the predefined profile 'IMEA_OSM_CAR'.

Version 1.11.6

  • Feature: Added vehicle profile 'SEMITRAILER_OSM'. Note that this profile is an experimental feature.

Version 1.11.4

  • Feature: Added vehicle profile 'CAR_OSM'. Note that this profile is an experimental feature.
  • Feature: Added vehicle profile 'CARGO_BICYCLE_OSM'. Note that this profile is an experimental feature.

Version 1.11.0

  • Feature: Added vehicle profile 'BICYCLE_OSM'. Note that this profile is an experimental feature.
  • Improvement: If no vehicle profile is specified and most locations are located in the Americas, 'USA_8_SEMITRAILER_5AXLE' is used as the default instead of 'EUR_TRAILER_TRUCK' to return better results.
  • Improvement: If most locations are located in the Americas but a non-American vehicle profile is specified, a warning is returned.

Version 1.10.1

  • Feature: Added functionality for returning warnings if a parameter was ignored in a plan. Therefore plan was extended by field 'warnings'.
  • Feature: Added functionality for matching a location to a nearest road. Therefore locations were extended by fields 'roadAccess' and 'includeLastMeters'.
  • Feature: Added functionality for matching side of street to manipulate which side of a street should be used preventing the driver crossing the street. Therefore locations were extended by field 'matchSideOfStreet'.

Version 1.9.0

  • Feature: Added functionality for maximum distance a vehicle is allowed to travel, for maximum number of customer stops a vehicle may serve and for a time interval during which a vehicle's route may start. Therefore vehicles were extended by fields 'maximumDistance', 'maximumNumberOfCustomerStops' and 'routeStartInterval'.

Version 1.8.0

  • Feature: Added functionality for handling location and vehicle-dependent service times and service time factors. Therefore locations were extended by field 'applyVehicleDependentServiceTimeFactor', customerLocationAttributes extended by fields 'serviceTimeForTransportStop' and 'customerId', depotLocationAttributes were added with fields 'serviceTimeForPickupStop' and 'serviceTimeForDeliveryStop'. Vehicles were extended by fields 'serviceTimeForTransportStop' and 'serviceTimeFactor'.

Version 1.7.8

  • Bugfix: The results are no longer influenced by the IDs of locations, vehicles, drivers or transports.

Version 1.7.1

  • Bugfix: Fixed bug which could occur if a vehicle references a start or end locations which is not referenced by a transport.

Version 1.7.0

  • Bugfix: Capacity of all array objects in locations, vehicles, drivers, transports, and route is limited. These limits are less restrictive as the ones set by subscription. This might lead to rejection of requests that were being accepted in previous API versions.
  • Bugfix: Request with more than thirty unreferenced locations is not accepted. This might lead to rejection of requests that were being accepted in previous API versions.
  • Feature: Added functionality "Optimization Premium" in order to boost quality of solution by taking advantage of additional computational resources. Therefore added query parameter 'optimizationPremium' to startOptimization.

Version 1.5.4

  • Bugfix: Null enumerables are handled properly.

Version 1.5.3

  • Bugfix: Date-times in the response are returned in the input time zone.

Version 1.5.1

  • Improvement: Streamlined database interaction.
  • Bugfix: When working hours presets differ between any two drivers, a proper exception message is returned.
  • Bugfix: When multiple drivers availabilities or multiple locations opening intervals have a total span of more than 14 days, a proper exception message is returned.

Version 1.5.0

  • Feature: New vehicle profiles for region IMEA.

Version 1.4.6

  • Bugfix: When a drivers availabilties or a locations opening intervals have a total span of more than 14 days, a proper exception message is returned.
  • Bugfix: Coordinates containing 0.0 as latitude or longitude are now correctly processed.

Version 1.4.5

  • Bugfix: Improved handling of empty strings as start and end location ids for input vehicle.
  • Bugfix: When latitude or longitude is set as not a number (NaN), a proper exception message is returned.

Version 1.4.1

  • Bugfix: When using an empty list of quantities a proper response instead of an error is returned.

Version 1.4.0

  • Feature: Added functionality for "Drivers' Working Hours" to specify restrictions on working time and driving time of drivers and enforce breaks and rest periods. Therefore added fields 'workingHoursPreset', 'breakRule', and 'dailyRestRule' to 'Driver'. Note that from this release on, the working and driving time will be unlimited, unless specified otherwise. Previously, EU driving time regulations were applied as the default. To achieve the same behavior as before, set workingHoursPreset to EU_DRIVING_TIME_REGULATION_FOR_SINGLE_DAY or EU_DRIVING_TIME_REGULATION_FOR_MULTIPLE_DAYS depending on the planning horizon. Currently all drivers must have the same rules specified, setting them differently will be available in a later release.
  • Feature: Added functionality for restricting the maximum travel time and driving time of drivers. Therefore added fields 'workLogbook', 'maximumDrivingTime' and 'maximumTravelTime' to 'Driver'. Note that from this release on, the travel and driving time will be unlimited, unless specified otherwise. Previously, EU driving time regulations were applied as the default for plans with a single day horizon. To achieve the same behavior as before, set maximumDrivingTime to 32400 (9 hours), and maximumTravelTime to 46800 (13 hours). Currently all drivers must have the same maximum value specified, setting them differently will be available in a later release.
  • Feature: Added functionality "alternative capacities" to specify different options for the capacities. Therefore added fields 'alternativeCapacities' and 'capacitiesChangePosition' to 'Vehicle'

Version 1.3.0


Version 1.2.7

  • Bugfix: When using coordinates where no street is available and no airline distance can be calculated, a proper exception message is returned.

Version 1.2.3

  • Improvement: Improved calculation time for small requests.

Version 1.2.0

  • Improvement: Daily rests can also take place within trips.

Version 1.1.0

  • Feature: Added functionality "mixed loading prohibitions" in order to exclude combination of orders of special categories in one trip. Therefore added field 'loadCategory' to 'Transport' and field 'mixedLoadingProhibitions' to 'PlanningRestrictions'.
  • Feature: Added functionality "transport priorities" in order to define importance of transports. Therefore added field 'priority' to 'Transport' and added query parameter 'considerTransportPriorities' to startOptimization.

Version 1.0.0

  • Feature: Separate methods to create a plan, start the optimization, check the progress and get the optimized plan.
  • Feature: Multiple time intervals for depots, customers and drivers.
  • Feature: Heterogeneous fleet with vehicles varying in capacities and equipment.
  • Feature: Transports with a pickup and delivery location including the service time.
  • Feature: Calculating break and rest periods according to the European driving time regulation (Regulation No 561/2006).
  • Feature: Definition of location position in a trip, either first/last position or by numbers.
  • Feature: Vehicle profiles for EU, USA and Australia available.
  • Feature: Possibility to add tweaks to the optimization parameters.