358 results have been found
Guide - Matrix Routing API
Introduction The PTV Developer Matrix Routing API allows you to calculate distances and travel times between multiple locations quickly and accurately. You can retrieve accurate results for different predefined vehicle configurations, to automatically …
Guide - Map Matching API
Introduction The PTV Developer Map Matching API allows you to track and map your fleet and vehicles’ movements. Whether you operate a fleet of rental cars, manage field service staff, optimize routes, or oversee high-security transports: GPS tracking …
Guide - Loading Space Optimization API
Introduction The PTV Developer Loading Space Optimization API allows you to optimize cargo loadings and make drop-off and servicing times at stops efficient by minimizing free volumes and considering unloading sequence. When transporting less than …
Guide - EWS Road Distance API
Introduction The PTV Developer EWS Road Distance API offers an industry standard distance matrix as a common basis for tender management, invoice auditing and credit note procedures, and thereby facilitates collaboration with partners and clients. …
Time windows (sharp use case)
Use Case description The load The cargo usually comprises many small shipments consisting of parcels or additionally garments that are transported hanging. The cargo usually consists of parcels and small parts. Garments are also transported hanging from …
CEP service provider (sharp use case)
Use Case description An Austrian CEP service provider works with fixed territories to which vehicles and drivers are assigned. In the morning, the drivers load their vans with the packages for their area and then use a handheld device to plan their route. …
Regional brewery (sharp use case)
Use Case description The load: The deliveries may consist of kegs, cases or a pallet of one of these or a mixture. Typically, when loading the trucks there is a weight constraint but not a volume constraint . Here an example of a truck load: Different …
Geographic Restrictions
The Routing API supports country codes to geographically restrict the search space of the routing algorithm. To set the countries to use or avoid you can use the parameters options[allowedCountries] and options[prohibitedCountries] in the request. … …
In order to complete an incomplete input and to allow type-ahead on web pages, it is possible to request for locations for which postal code and locality start with the given input. Postal code or locality must contain at least two characters. Both city …
To obtain the distance of a relation, start and destination location must be specified by entering country code, postal code and locality name. Both locations are searched in the database, and the resulting distance which is the distance between the …
Matrix Routing is a PTV feature to compute distances and travel times matrices. … Origins and Destinations To compute a matrix, you need to provide some locations. The locations can be origins and/or destinations. Destinations are optional. If they are …
Block Intersecting Roads
The blockIntersectingRoads option allows to avoid some roads, ferries or train shuttles on a route, using intersection lines. All roads, ferries or train shuttles that intersect the polyline, are considered as blocked. Please note that it is not always …
Guided Navigation
Guided navigation enables the most accurate possible transmission of a calculated route to the PTV Navigator. This example shows how to request a route with guide navigation. …
Alternative Routes
The Routing API supports the calculation of alternative routes. It calculates the shortest route according to predefined criteria. However, it could happen that the user would prefer another route for various reasons (traffic lights, traffic incident, …
Drivers' Working Hours
The drivers' working hours are a set of regulations that define break times and driving/travel time limits for vehicle drivers. The purpose of drivers' working hours regulations is to improve road safety and ensure good working conditions of drivers. To …
Transport Priorities
Transport priority planning is a feature for users to specify strong preferences which transport should be planned if not all transports can be served by the vehicle in a single route. By providing transport priorities the user can specify which …
Route Sections and Position in Route
Route section numbers and positions in route are tools for the user to specify positions of stops at customer locations in the route. … Scenarios route sections Which scenarios can be modeled by route section numbers? Some customers are promised to be …
Relevant Terms
The following terms are important to understand the whole use case. Customer location, Depot location Geographical location where pickup or delivery needs to be carried out or where the vehicle is located. If there is more than one pickup/delivery at …
A single route event contains information which might be interesting for the driver or characterizes the course of the route such as reaching a waypoint, entering a different country or subdivision, or executing a certain maneuver. The list of route …
Orientation and Stackability
In order to save place, the items can be rotated and/or stacked. Orientation For each item, it is possible to define the allowed rotations during the optimization. If a rotation is allowed, the item can be rotated during the optimization in order to …
Bins and Items
Loading Space Optimization is a PTV feature to calculate the best way of arranging goods in a loading space or container. Bins and items … Bins A bin can describe the loading space on a truck or an over-sea container. You are able to define multiple …
Electronic Toll Collection
Electronic toll collection (ETC) systems provide a fast alternative to pay the toll without stopping the vehicle, normally using a wireless transponder. As the driver does not have to stop, traffic delays are reduced. Moreover ETC systems are cheaper and …
Turn Restrictions
The PTV developer Routing API allows to calculate routes in a way that prefers turns to the passenger side. Truck drivers and delivery personal sometimes appreciate such a behavior because it can reduce waiting times and enhances safety. To use this …
Position Matching versus Locations By Position
At first sight, the two endpoints Position Matching of PTV Developer Map Matching API and Locations By Position of PTV Developer Geocoding API seem to be similar or even interchangeable. But there are noteworthy differences between them, which are …
Calculation Mode
The calculation mode defines the calculation behavior of the algorithm, i.e. if the focus of calculation is on performance, quality or both. There are three different modes available: PERFORMANCE: The matching focuses on performance. This means to take …