358 results have been found
Quick Start - Routing OSM API
With the Routing service you can calculate routes for bicycles from A to B. Using the Routing OSM API is simple. Follow the steps on this page to get started with routing. For an easy integration you can also use the clients for Java, C# and TypeScript on …
Places by Text (OSM)
GET Search text Send Request Response Waiting for response... Request Sample C# JavaScript Python Java PowerShell // C# // JavaScript // Python // Java // PowerShell … Find places matching a name or address given by a single text …
Places by Position (OSM)
GET Latitude Longitude Detail Level COUNTRY STATE PROVINCE CITY SUBURB MAJOR_STREETS MAJOR_AND_MINOR_STREETS BUILDING Send Request Response Waiting for response... Request Sample C# JavaScript Python Java PowerShell // C# // …
Creating a Localized Map App (OSM)
In this tutorial we extend the Map App code sample to display a localized map based on OSM vector tiles from PTV Developer. Showing a localized map in a browser All supported languages are listed in the Languages concept. Localized labels are available …
Guide - Vector Maps OSM API
Introduction The PTV Developer Vector Maps OSM API allows you to render geographical vector tiles with easily integrable open-source frameworks. Map rendering is a prerequisite for all geographical and logistical functions and crucial for tasks such as …
Styling the OSM Map
The OSM Vector Maps service provides highly configurable map styles. You have the choice of using one of our predefined styles or build your own style. Overview The visual appearance of your map is defined by an array of layer definitions in JSON format. …
Places by Position (OSM)
Find places near a given position. Input The places by position endpoint considers the following input fields: Input Field Description latitude and longitude Latitude and longitude values of the requested position (WGS84), given as path parameters. …
Creating a Map App (OSM)
The PTV Developer Vector Maps OSM API allows you to render geographical vector tiles on a map view in a browser window. Showing a map in a web browser In this tutorial, we describe how to create a simple web application that shows a map based on vector …
Places by Address (OSM)
Find places matching an address given as separate input fields. Input To match addresses to geographic positions with high quality, it is important to understand how the input fields of the Geocoding API are interpreted. Input Field Description country …
Guide - Geocoding & Places OSM API
Introduction The PTV Developer Geocoding & Places OSM API allows you to create geolocation-based applications that enables users to forward/reverse geocode addresses with high precision, search and display geographic locations, such as shops and prominent …
Tiles - Vector Map OSM API
When using map tiles, the displayed map is not requested as a single image but assembled from several map tiles. The client application only requests the map tiles needed for the current map view. Whenever the map view changes by zooming or panning, the …
Quick Start - Vector Maps OSM API
With the Vector Maps OSM service you can render geographical vector tiles with your own renderer. Using the Vector Maps OSM API is simple. Follow the steps on this page to get started with rendering maps. You can use the open source MapLibre renderer for …
Places by Text (OSM)
Find places matching a name or address given by a single text field. … Input All input data of an address (e.g. postal code, city or street) or a place (name of the place) can be combined into one single field. This is especially useful for interactive …
Places by Address (OSM)
GET Country State Province Locality Postal code Street House number Send Request Response Waiting for response... Request Sample C# JavaScript Python Java PowerShell // C# // JavaScript // Python // Java // PowerShell … Find places matching a set of …
API Reference - Geocoding & Places OSM
{ "openapi": "3.0.1", "info": { "title": "Geocoding OSM", "description": "With the Geocoding OSM service places can be searched based on OSM data. The search is based on an address, text input or a geographical position.", "version": "1.0", "contact": { …
API Reference - Vector Maps OSM
{ "openapi": "3.0.1", "info": { "title": "Vector Maps OSM", "description": "With the Vector Maps OSM service you can create geographical vector tiles for client side map rendering.", "version": "1.0", "contact": { "url": "https://developer.myptv.com/" } …
Language Support (OSM)
Types of Languages The PTV OSM vector format supports localized and native names for location labels (like countries or cities) and street elements, if available. Native names represent the default language that is most common for the element in its …
Quick Start - Geocoding OSM API
With the Geocoding service you can find locations by converting street addresses into GPS-coordinates and vice versa. You can also search for millions of shops and prominent points of interest in various categories. Using the Geocoding API is simple. …
Vehicle Parameters
The Routing API offers a detailed parameterization in case the vehicle used does not correspond to one of the predefined profiles. Note that the values of the predefined profiles may be adapted to reflect current vehicle standards. To obtain the same …
Detailed Postal Codes
Some Countries use detailed postal codes to allow more precise localization of addresses. These detailed postal codes serve to improve efficiency in sorting and delivering mail and to more accurately identify addresses. They consist of a combination of …
Toll Map
Toll | PTV Developer … The availability of toll data can be viewed in the map below. There toll is highlighted . Pan and zoom the map to the area you are interested in. Depending to the zoom level, toll will fade out. …
Map Data
Map data is provided on a detailed road level, partly including further additional content like Toll (click on the link for more information about toll tariffs) Truck Restrictions (click on the link for more information about truck restrictions) …
Combine Vector Map and Raster Map
In this tutorial you will learn how to mash up different technologies in an interactive Vector Map with Raster Map Restriction Data . It will allow to display a map and visualize clickable truck restrictions like weight limits or truck-bans in inner …
Styling the Map
The Vector Maps service provides highly configurable map styles. You have the choice of using one of our predefined style or to build your own. Overview The visual appearance of your map is defined by an array of layer definitions in JSON format. Each …