358 results have been found
The scores describe how well a result location and the request match. They can be used to determine whether a result is good enough to automatically accept it, e.g. in batch processing. … The scores are part of the quality element of a resulting location. …
Service Times and Opening Intervals
Service Times and Opening Intervals | Routing API Documentation | PTV Developer POST Waypoint A Latitude A Longitude A Waypoint B All attributes will be applied to waypoint B. The Opening Interval will applied for the next three days Latitude B …
Which Endpoints Are in the Geocoding OSM API and Which One Should I Use?
The Geocoding OSM API Offers the Following Services: Find places matching an address to get their geographic positions, with a single address string ( Places by Text ). with separate input strings for each address field ( Places by Address ). Find places …
Language of the response (OSM)
If you specify the languages query parameter in the request, then the names of e.g. places, countries, cities, streets... will be returned in one of the specified languages, if available in the data. While country and city names are available in many …
Waypoints (OSM)
The Routing OSM API supports different waypoint types and attributes in order to support different use cases. … Waypoint Types By choosing the appropriate waypoint type the route will actually reach the location off the road, stop on the road close to the …
Creating a Map App
The PTV Developer Vector Maps API allows you to render geographical vector tiles on a map view in a browser window. Showing a map in a web browser In this tutorial, we describe how to create a simple web application that shows a map based on vector …
Routing OSM API Reference
{ "openapi": "3.0.3", "info": { "title": "Routing OSM", "version": "1.5", "description": "With the Routing OSM service you can calculate routes from a list of waypoints based on open street map data.", "contact": { "url": "https://developer.myptv.com/" } …
Calculate a Matrix (OSM)
POST Profile No value No value OSM_BICYCLE OSM_CARGO_BICYCLE EUR_OSM_CAR EUR_OSM_TRAILER_TRUCK IMEA_OSM_CAR Results DISTANCES TRAVEL_TIMES DIRECT_DISTANCE_FLAGS Location 1 Latitude Longitude Location 2 Latitude Longitude Request Body Send Request …
Locations (OSM)
Matrix Routing is a PTV feature to compute distances and travel times matrices. … Origins and Destinations To compute a matrix, you need to provide some locations. The locations can be origins and/or destinations. Destinations are optional. If they are …
Matrix Routing OSM API Reference
{ "openapi": "3.0.3", "info": { "title": "Matrix Routing OSM", "version": "1.5", "description": "With the Matrix Routing OSM service you can compute distances and travel times between a set of origins and destinations based on open street map data.", …
Truck Restrictions
Truck restrictions on roads are regulations that limit or prohibit specific types of vehicles or activities on roads. They are put in place for a variety of reasons, including environmental protection or traffic management and can vary depending on the …
Vector Map with Satellite
In this tutorial you will learn how a basic Vector Map with Satellite is implemented. It will allow you to display a Satellite map and visualize a transportation layer on top of it. To concentrate on the basic principles, all other important features like …
Raster Map with Leaflet
You will learn how a basic Raster Map with Leaflet is implemented. We will display a Leaflet raster map with minimal configuration effort. This tutorial illustrates the use of the PTV Developer Raster Maps API . Try it! Download from GitHub … …
Raster Map with OpenLayers
You will learn how a basic Raster Map with OpenLayers is implemented. We will display a OpenLayers raster map with minimal configuration effort. This tutorial illustrates the use of the PTV Developer Raster Maps API . Try it! Download from GitHub … …
Depot Based Transports
In this tutorial you will learn how our advanced Route Optimization App is implemented. The app optimizes specific transports (single depot location, customer locations with pickups and deliveries) and displays the optimal routes for each vehicle on the …
Profiles | Data API Documentation | PTV Developer European profiles Profiles Description European TLN profiles [PREVIEW] Profiles Description American profiles Profiles Description Australian profiles Profiles Description IMEA profiles Profiles …
How to Use Asynchronous Requests with PTV Developer APIs
In this tutorial you will learn how to make asynchronous calls to PTV Developer APIs. As an alternative to synchronous requests they are used for potentially long running requests. … Preconditions A PTV Developer account and API Key An IDE for the …
Recalculate Toll and Emissions
You can calculate toll or emissions for a driven route if you combine the PTV Developer Map Matching API and PTV Developer Routing API . You can use this for compliance measurements like a toll cost validation. The following steps describe how to …
Vector Map React App
You will learn how a basic Vector Map with React is implemented. We will display a beautiful vector map with minimal configuration effort. Tutorial illustrates the use of the PTV Developer Vector Maps API . Try it! Download from GitHub … Prerequisites …
Locations, Transports and Stops
With the Sequence Optimization service, you use locations with exact map coordinates that are either meant for carrying out a transport (pickup and delivery of transport goods) or for locating a vehicle. Pickups and/or deliveries that are carried out at …
Objective of Optimization
The Sequence Optimization service aims at finding a good route for the given transports. In order to determine what "good" means here, the following question needs to be answered: What makes one route better than another? … What makes one route better …
Vehicle and Driver
Vehicle and driver belong together. A driver's parameters complement the parameters of the vehicle. Most of these parameters are optional. The only required parameter is the availability of the driver. Parameters of the vehicle Capacity : The vehicle has …
Vehicles and Drivers
Without a vehicle, nothing can be transported. This is why a plan is required to contain at least one vehicle. A driver can be assigned to a vehicle but this is not required. That is, some vehicles may have a driver assigned to it and some not. A driver's …
Suggestions by Address
GET Country State Locality Postal code Street House number Input field COUNTRY LOCALITY POSTAL_CODE STREET HOUSE_NUMBER Language Send Request Response Waiting for response... Request Sample C# JavaScript Python Java PowerShell // C# // …
How to Use PTV Developer with Postman
In this tutorial you will learn how to import OpenAPI Specs of PTV Developer into Postman to quickly test the capabilities of the different services. … Preconditions A Postman account (this tutorial works with the desktop client as well as the web …