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French CO2e Decree 2017 639


In France, since 1 June 2017, any public or private person organizing or marketing a transport service (e.g. transport companies, removal companies, taxis, companies providing small delivery vehicles small delivery vehicles, chauffeur-driven cars, two- or three-wheeled motorized vehicles, local and regional authorities which provide transport services on a contractual basis or their groupings, commission agents, travel agents) must calculate greenhouse gas emissions according to the emission factors provided by decree n°2017-639.

The French CO2e Decree 2017 639 is relevant in France and overseas territories such as Corsica, Guadeloupe, Guyana, Mayotte, Martinique, Réunion.

Relevant vehicles

All European vehicle profiles are relevant for the french CO2e Decree 2017 639: EUR_TRAILER_TRUCK, EUR_TRUCK_40T, EUR_TRUCK_11_99T, EUR_TRUCK_7_49T, EUR_VAN, EUR_CAR.


These are the factors for the calculation of energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions (calculated as CO2-equivalents) provided by decree n°2017-639 (TTW: tank to wheel, WTW: well to wheel).


Fuel TypeCO2e emissions TTWCO2e emissions WTW
GASOLINE (kg CO2e/L)0.532.26
GASOLINE 10% bio fuel (kg CO2e/L)0.552.22
GASOLINE 85% bio fuel (kg CO2e/L)1.090.37
DIESEL (kg CO2e/L)0.662.51
DIESEL 30% bio fuel (kg CO2e/L)0.981.88


The only engineType supported is COMBUSTION

The fuel types LNG and ETHANOL are not supported

For GASOLINE, a bioFuelRatio of 0, 10 and 85 is supported, for DIESEL 0 and 30.

For dual fuels like CNG_GASOLINE or LPG_GASOLINE, a dualFuelRatio is supported.