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Mixed Loading Prohibition

A mixed loading prohibition is a constraint that prevents certain transports from being mixed with some other vehicles on the same trip.

It may be prohibited to load certain dangerous goods together on the same trip, such as flammable solids on the one hand and explosive substances on the other hand. Similar restrictions exist when transporting groceries, fluids or live animals, for instance.

Categories of transport

A mixed loading prohibition is not stated on the basis of individual transports but of categories of transport. So the first step in order to use this feature is to categorise the transport:

  • The category depends on the goods that shall be transported.
  • A transport without a category can be mixed with other transports arbitrarily.
  • The number of distinct categories for which a mixed loading prohibition is valid is limited to 100.

Note: If and only if every single transport of category 'A' shall never be on the same trip as any transport of category 'B', a mixed loading prohibition needs to be declared for 'A' and 'B'. Two transports of the same category always go well with each other on a trip. Therefore, it is not possible to declare a mixed loading prohibition for one and the same category, say, 'A' and 'A'.

Specific vehicles

There may be some vehicles for which mixed loading prohibitions do not apply, for instance those vehicles with separating walls or multiple compartments. If this is the case for a vehicle, the specific field ignoreMixedLoadingProhibitions can be set. If it is set, all mixed loading prohibitions are disregarded on every trip of the vehicle.